Benefits attract talent and show your people you appreciate them, and the plan you offer plays an important role in employees’ lives. The benefits you offer can assure financial protection in case of an illness or disability. They’ll know they have the resources to meet their health needs and face unexpected challenges.
Our goal as a workforce health consulting professional is to work with you to deliver a lasting, easy-to-manage and widely embraced population health strategy. To achieve this, we combine technology and personal service.
Workforce health consulting is a core service of The Fedeli Group. We offer FedeliFit as a way for employees to seamlessly manage their results-based program. You’ll receive HIPAA-protected data that is linked to our Cerner data warehouse so you can gain insight into your team’s health needs and wellness outcomes.
Employee Communication. With so many demands on human resources departments, employee benefit plan communications can fall down on the priority list. We understand this challenge and will help you craft and implement an impactful communication plan.
Our benefit guides are designed to provide a holistic view of the benefits program while promoting efficient access to care, consumerism and well-being.
Online enrollment tools improve efficiency and are a resource employees expect. As your benefits advisor, we will help you facilitate online enrollment platform setup, provide market guidance, and assist with carrier subsidies, if available.
Population Health Management. Population health initiatives often face concept fatigue. Engagement suffers when goals and approaches are not aligned to the needs of the population or focus on only one type of wellness. You want workforce health consulting solutions that get results.
The wellness-in-a-box approach might not work for your organization. Wellbeing is more than a biometric number or a BMI. As your team members evolve and mature, their needs and attitudes toward workforce health programs change.
Personalized Cost Containment. Often, the people who need wellness programs don’t trust an initiative, or they start off strong and run out of steam. It’s important to address the real issues your team members are facing and understand what health challenges they are facing.
Recognizing all aspects of wellbeing are critical in the development of a workforce health strategy. Effective approaches will connect your employees to resources that support emotional, physical and financial wellbeing.
The Fedeli Group Difference. Plan for today and the future by offering adaptable digital solutions, such as the FedeliFit program. We help you minimize barriers to engagement, platform accessibility and ease of use.
We understand that your employees’ personal health journeys might not align with short-term corporate performance goals. That’s why we work with you and your executive team to develop an understanding of your workforce’s health concerns while setting measurable goals that deliver a return on investment.